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Macaroni Kid Craft: Ugly Christmas Mask *DIY*

By Jenna Slade - Macaroni Kid Saugerties et. al. November 6, 2020

Ugly Christmas Masks *DIY*

I think we can guarantee that we will still be wearing masks this holiday season, so let's make some fun with it!  
You can do this craft at home with your household, in your small "quarantine circle", or virtually with your friends!

Gather your supplies. 
You can grab whatever craft supplies you have at the house, or hit up your local dollar store.  We always find great deals at Dollar Tree.

Here was our shopping list:
❄️craft glue (we ended up using a hot glue gun)
❄️holiday pipe cleaners
❄️pom poms
❄️mini trees
❄️holiday glitter glue
❄️disposable masks


Set up your work station.  
We decided to share all materials, 
but you may wish to split them up and make it a contest 
to work with whatever is in front of you!  

Or you can make kits to drop off for virtual mask making fun!

Get out the glue! 

At first we were using the craft glue, 
but we had better luck and faster drying with the hot glue.

The craft glue worked enough for the kids to use.  But I needed them to dry faster, so when they had finished their designs,
we secured it with hot glue..
(adult supervision required).
If drying over night isn't a problem, craft glue should do the trick!


Let their creative spirits fly! 

Hashtag your creations! 


You decide what's next!

Do you want to vote for your favorites?

Post pictures on social media and let the outside world decide?

Skip the votes and just have an "Ugly Mask Party"?

The possibilities lie within your imagination!

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